adolescents, academic achievement, parents’ behaviour, emotionality, control, socio-demographic variablesAbstract
UDK 159.922.8
Academic achievement, due to its practical implications, is in focus of a great number of research works. Those are generally pointing to its connection to many factors and they reveal prospects of analysing these connections on various levels: personal, interpersonal and general. The main aim of this study however, is to observe the impact of a number of specific aspects of parents behaviour (emotionality and control) upon the academic achievement of adolescents operationalised through their average grades in school. The article also analyses the impact of socio-demographic variables along with perceived behaviour of parents upon academic achievement. A sample for the research analysis was comprised of 272 high-school students (166 of those being female), average age 17. Statistically significant negative correlation was recorded between the level of control and academic achievement. Thus, it shows that higher the controlling behaviour of parents lower the academic achievement of a student. However, no statistically significant connection was recorded between the level of emotionality of parents and academic achievement of students. Female adolescents participating in extracurricular activities have reported greater emotionality level in their fathers as compared to their peers who are not engaged in any extracurricular activities. Of socio-demographic variables only socio-economic status was recorded as having statistically significant positive impact upon academic achievement. Generally, students reported of more time spent in talking to mothers as compared to time spent in talking to fathers. Mothers were also perceived as more emotional and more controlling as compared to fathers. The last can be viewed as an indicator of traditional higher involvement of mothers in upbringing of children.
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