communication, non-verbal communication, physical contact, motivationAbstract
UDK 159.947.5:371.3
The essence of this article is reflected in a research conducted with the purpose to evaluate sustainability of the hypothesis regarding the impact of non-verbal communication upon teaching process and its role in motivation of students. The research itself was designed to be carried out with one part of students of the fifth and the sixth grade of primary school, wherein both genders were represented with equal numbers. Along with 50 students of this group a group of 20 teachers was included in the survey. The survey was based upon the analysis of two questionnaires, one in regard to the students and one in regard to the teachers. The questionnaire designed for the teachers aimed at evaluating the extent of teachers familiarity with the concept of non-verbal communication through a physical contact in the class and the actual use of the same as a teaching/motivating method. The other questionnaire, designed for the students contained some basic information regarding forms of non-verbal communication through physical contact exercised by teachers and it was aimed to evaluate whether or not students would like these methods to be used by their teachers, and if yes then the choice of some of these forms were given as to what particular form of these they preferred to be used by their teachers. The questionnaires were designed in accordance to certain rules and as such they represent the bases for a study of non-verbal communication and its role in motivation of students. Within the article we also presented the basic purpose and aims of this research and its method.
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