Securitization of Islam and Muslims


  • Hikmet Karčić Institut za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava



securitisation of Muslims, islamophobia, stigmatisation and marginalisation, religious freedom, extremism, terrorism


UDK: 28:351.78(=163.4*3)

This article probes into the phenomenon of securitisation of Islam and Muslims as a multidimensional and complex phenomenon, which has been emphasised particularly after the September 11 event. Securitisation, the process of transforming a social issue into a security issue, resulted in a significant change in the general perception of Islam and Muslims as such, presenting them as a major factor of threat to security. This phenomenon is manifested differently in differing regions and it includes strict laws like the USA Patriot Act, prosecution of Muslim Uighurs in China and the state control of Islamic practice in Russia. This article analyses the profound effects of securitisation, including stigmatization and marginalization of Muslim communities, changes in international relations and domestic policies, as well as challenges facing religious freedom and democratic principles. At the same time, the article presents critical perspectives proposing a nuanced approach to understanding Islam and Muslim societies and stresses the significance of solving the root issues in order to have more effective results in the struggle against radicalisation.  The author here advocates a balanced approach which would promote dialogue, inclusive policies and international cooperation by stressing the significance of pluralism and tolerance in an effort to discourage the narratives of securitisation.



How to Cite

Karčić, H. (2024). Securitization of Islam and Muslims. Novi Muallim, 25(97), 68–71.

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