social care, economy, society, zakat, IslamAbstract
UDK 28-23
This article discusses the theses of social care within the framework of the teachings of Islam. Defining the concepts of ownership, distribution of public resources, economy and the economy based on Islamic principles, the author presents an insight into some models and prospects that could help in solving the issue of growing social inequity on a global level, but also in each local Muslim community. The author supports his arguments by the saying of Muhammed s.w.s wherein is stated that people are partners in three things: water, fire (electricity) and pastures. Thus keeping in mind that Muhammed s.w.s desired greater equality in society and for moral, social and political reasons he (s.w.s) demanded redistribution of income – in the name of God, the author concludes that countering the negative effects of free market economy, especially monopoly and caring for deprived and poor is the essence of Islam.
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