Pure theorizing results in false interpretations and wrong conclusions. Therefore, the cooperation between different social sciences and Islamic teaching is necessary. Many things need to be reformulated and redefined. A family, as a natural and God given unit, is as old as the humankind itself. While a marriage primarily emphasizes the relationship between sexes, as a life reproducing unity, it also contributes to actually connecting two different families. A family, on the other hand, emphasizes a union of people bonded by intimate feelings,cooperation, support, trust and, especially emphasized, a sense of belonging. Islam adds to all this its brotherhood and sisterhood in faith. The family crisis that is so widespread in the west has started affecting the Muslim family too. Some call for intervention and strengthening of the family, while others see that as an intrusion into closed and intimate family life. By taking a look back we discover that the issues individuals, families and a society faced in the ancient Arab world have been successfully overcome through the introduction of the spirit of Islam. We belong to a modern, highly differentiated and complex society. In it, our Islamic appearance and manifest behavior is highly visible. However, we're missing an inner dimension of Islam, a true and deep sense of Islam in marriage and family unions. Only with the presence of Islam in that "factory of life" we will be able to overcome the crisis of disorganized, disintegrated and disoriented families. This will be possible only through devotion and obedience.
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