The author of this article reminds us that all groundbreaking and important events of sacred and profane history, by the Supreme providence, took place as a result of and as an expression of masculine-feminine and femininemasculine essential but not formal bonds and complementarities. Since the time of pre-existence (al-Azal), each historical phase of time carried the burden of its own existence, but the great rulers consulted their women and thus were granted the success. Contemporary world is very pluralistic, open for activity, inclusiveness and participation. The very spirit of this time is contained in politics of fear and infantilization of public sphere. These are two evident signs that the knightly- masculine form of the world is at its last gasp. This also implies that it is now the time for women to take their part in spheres of life other than just the kitchen. However, in doing this we must be watchful as not to abandon the bases.
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