The text engages in probably the most important issue of Muslims today: why are Muslims so weak and backward? With a belief that the present crisis of the Muslim Ummah is multidimensional while its causes are numerous, as a staring position, the author examines two causes identified by the Prophet s.a.w.s: greed and fear of death. In the context of discussion on the subject of these two causes, the text also engages in an issue of distrust and instilled vulnerability. With a number of examples, it illustrates very popular scientific thesis on trust as a precondition for socio-political and economic development. The text ends with the conclusion that that helplessness of a Bosnian man can be explained through difficult experience from the past, but that at the same time there is an ample number of indicators that such state can no longer be justified as he/she can influence his/her fate today more than ever so in his/her recent past.
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