Islam in German thought – Almond's history of significant divergences


  • Hilmo Neimarlija



Ian Almond, German thought, history of Islam, Leibniz, Kant, Herder, Goethe, Schlegel, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche


UDK: 1(430)(049.3)

Ian Almond, in his work History of Islam in German Thought: from Leibniz to Nietzsche thematizes the views of German philosophers Leibniz, Kant, Herder, Goethe, F. Schlegel, Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche on Islam.  The author in this book gives a convincing argument in favour of this monumentally significant topic and demonstrates his genuineness in the research of its better or lesser-known issues and challenges. The image he portrays here is, as a matter of fact, an image of anticipated and non-anticipated findings of the contradictive orientation of German philosophers towards Islam and Muslims in different discursive forms wherein they reveal their antipathy and empathy, imagination and judgments, anger and discomfort, knowledge and prejudice, recognition and disagreement. 



How to Cite

Neimarlija, H. (2023). Islam in German thought – Almond’s history of significant divergences. Novi Muallim, 24(95), 91–95.