In Contemporary, Bacon’s concept of nature, reason exerts the power which, de facto, belongs to the nature itself. Contemporary science performs a function check on its own activities through every successful scientific experiment. Therefore, to experiment means to exert power over nature. Descartes’ metaphysics based on a subject and the juxtaposition between res cogitas and res extensa presents a firm basis for ‘transformation of philosophy into the ‘rule of nature’ project. Nature has been de-theologized and de-subjectivized. Bacon’s aggressive, manipulative and arrogant concept of modern science is best exemplified by an experiment as a postulate and basic principle of modern science. Until modern times, nature represented an impenetrable border for a human being. With modern science, the human being in tjhe quest to conquer nature, has claimed to ‘have penetrated that border’ and ‘diminished’ its grandiosity. At the very end of that quest, we are now faced with the need for self-constraint: now we are the ones who need to erect certain borders using our inherent practicality and common sense.
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