Hutba is a brief, specific discourse with a current message. A brief speech demands serious preparation if the speaker wishes to deliver a meaningful message. In attempting to say as much as possible, the speaker can go overboard, and the message of his speech can be the opposite of what he intends to say. Speaking is a skill and an honour, one which includes responsibility for what is delivered. A hutba should not be delivered in a loud voice, especially if there is a public address system in the mosque. If you wish to be heard, you muct speak in a low voice. This error is especially noticeable among the young hatibs. It is important to introduce public speaking into our madrasas as a mandatory subject, so that we may adequately meet the requirements of this honourable vocation and correctly prepare our students. The author of “Reflection on Hutbas” is of the opinion that it would be useful if the Riyaset of the Islamic Community issued a binding decision that hutbas in our jamats (congregations) speaking in the Bosnian language must not exceed the time limit of ten minutes. Furthermore, hatibs should not appear on the minber (pulpit) without proper religious attire. It would also be helpful if the Riyaset formed a Committee for attending hutbas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and at the end of the Hijra year publicly announced the best hatib who would then be given the honour of delivering his hutba from the minber of Bey Mosque in Sarajevo. The author was prompted to write this contribution, along with some explanations and suggestions, by texts on hutbas published in New Muallim, issue 37.
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