The author, Dr. Enes Karić, a full time proffessor at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Sarajjevo, presents us with his opinion on the unaccceptable concept of the human beings cloning from the Islamic view of the world. The author claims that the cloning disturbs the Islamic teaching about the boundaries. A man must respect different boundaries such as ethical, moral, religious and philosophical boundaries. The concept of cloning erases the lines of those boundaries and is therefore unaccceptable. Furthermore, Dr. KariÊ believes that the cloning is the example of violation of the concept of the whole. God always creates in a unique way each time making a new unique whole. A man is not allowed to copy this and desecrate it in that manner. In fact even the goal of the cloning is questionable. Even if we supppose that it is possible to get a healthy whole, a cloned being, does that give us a permission to kill it in order to get one of its organs for the transplant? This lecture was given at the University Clinical Center of Sarajevo, during the mid — February of 2003.
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