benevolence, kindness, beauty, adab, husnAbstract
UDK 28-254
In this article the author elaborates upon the Qur’anic term iḥsān ( إحْسَان ) which is, signifying the beauty of a human act and knowledge, good deeds or compassion towards other human beings, mentioned in the Qur’an twelve times. In the first part of the article the author presents the root of the word ḥ-s-n ( ح ، س ، ن ), which in its variations given in the Qur’an denote kind acts, morality and benevolence, benefactors, good and virtuous deeds and acts, further it denotes (non-sensual) beauty in general, beauty and goodness of human deeds, acts and work... at the same time it means beautiful and good as such. The article also discusses the term ḥusn ( حُسْنٌ ), and the well-known tradition/hadith of the Messenger Muhammed s.w.s., known for its bringing the term along with the terms Islam (submission to God) and iman (faith). The author presents insight into Qur’anic text, relevant tradition of the Messenger s.w.s. and related commentaries of the classical commentators of the Qur'an.
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