God’s word, nice word, communication, dialogue, responsibility, The Qur’anAbstract
UDK 28-254
According to the Qur’an, man is, among other things, a being capable of al-bayan, a being capable of expression, statement, verbal and non-verbal communication. This article analyzes the Qur’anic phenomenology and the semantic concept of essential communication terminology such as the word, the language, and the speech. The word in general and the word spoken by man in particular is given diverse meaning and significance in the Qur’an. The Divine teaching offered to man concerning the soft speech is an Islamic communicological base that is given in a number of the Qur’anic ayats with utterly versatile meanings. Many passages in the Qur’an are dedicated to soft speech. In fathomless well of Qur’anic teachings man is obliged to speak softly and to be responsible for every word he utters, further, man is required to be a protagonist of a heartily and reconciling word, a word that broadens his chest and takes away the anxiety. For Muslims today, the affirmation of a soft word does not only carry theoretical, cultural and esthetic significance but by offering soft and nice words and speeches Muslims today can encourage inter-Muslim dialogue as an alternative to sectarianism and can affirm interreligious tolerance as an antitheses to the so called clash of civilizations.
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