Intangible cultural heritage and the management of areas of cultural significance pertaining to the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Elvir Duranović Institut za islamsku tradiciju Bošnjaka



intangible heritage, cultural space, pilgrimage to Ajvatovica, Brateljevići cave, the Islamic Community, Bosnia and Herzegovina


UDK: 930.85:28-7(497.6)

Non-material cultural heritage is or the living religious legacy, is a significant segment of the cultural identity of any ethnic or religious community. According to the UNESCO Convention, non-material cultural heritage is defined, among other things, as cultural spaces, and is manifested in five domains, of which the third incorporates: social practices, rituals and festive events. Within this domain, Bosnia and Herzegovina has Ajvatovica Pilgrimage on the Open Preliminary List of Intangible Heritage. In this article, the author presents the experience of the Islamic Community in organizing the pilgrimage to Ajvatovica, explores some prospects for preserving the sight as a living religious heritage, and points out some challenges that the organizers may face in future. The author here also discusses another cultural space, Brateljevići cave near Kladanj which could also be promoted as another sacred location along with Ajvatovica for the Preliminary List of Intangible Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina.



How to Cite

Duranović, E. (2024). Intangible cultural heritage and the management of areas of cultural significance pertaining to the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina . Novi Muallim, 25(97), 11–15.

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