female horses, morning (subh),, attack, man, ingratitude, intentions and the motive of the surahAbstract
UDK 28-23
Surah Al-'Ādijāt is the hundredth surah of the Qur’an; it has eleven ayats and was revealed in Makah. The main theme of the surah is the causes of destruction of ungrateful man, and the main cause given there is his negation of the Akhirah. This is, in short, the content of the second part of the surah Al-'Ādijāt, whereas the first part, its ayahs 1-5, present one impressive worldly scene- a battle cavalry in the midst of its evening gallop and its sudden, early morning intrusion unto the territory of another tribe. This war scene was not unfamiliar to the Arabs at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, it was deeply engraved in their consciousness almost as a daily routine. The Qur’an here refers to this particular state, what more it is pointing it out as an argument against human ingratitude. The question arises how to bring the first and the second part of this surah into logical and semantic unity? Why is it, that the surah begins with a dramatic battle image and ends in an illustration of resurrection? The author here attempts to answer these questions in his interpretation (tafsir) of the surah Al-'Ādijāt.
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