Ulama of Vareš during the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rules


  • Elvir Duranović




Vareš, Čaršijska džamija mosque in Vareš, ulama inVareš, Nakshbandi tariqat


UDK: 28-732.3(497.6 Vareš)

This text presents ‘alims, imams and mu’allims of Vareš and its surroundings during the periods of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rules respectively. The Author for this purpose used published works as well as some unpublished sources. The first part of the article relates about the ulama from the medieval forts of Dubrovnik, near Ilijaš, and Bobovac. The second part thematizes ‘alims who worked as imams and mu’allims in Čaršijska džamija mosque in Vareš in the period between the ending of the 18th century until the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878. The third part of the article presents those ‘alims who worked in Vareš mosque during the Austro-Hungarian rule, and the final part brings some data on some ‘alims who worked in the areas in the surroundings of Vareš until the First World War.



How to Cite

Duranović, E. (2024). Ulama of Vareš during the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rules. Novi Muallim, 25(99), 51–56. https://doi.org/10.26340/muallim.v25i99.2107

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